Blessing of the Animals 2021

For over 800 years churches have gathered to bless the animals on or near the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. While the custom of blessing the animals is attributed to St. Francis, it is actually an ancient Jewish practice which takes place after the High Holy Days. You can read more about that here, here, and here.

Due to Covid restrictions, last year we held a Virtual Blessing of the Animals. If you haven’t yet seen that video, click here! While it was a wonderful placeholder, we were thrilled to be able to gather together in person this year for the Blessing of the Animals.

On Sunday, October 3, we had over 65 people (and as many pets!) join the festivities at St. David’s by the Sea. The dogs received treats from Woof Gang Bakery and “pup cups” of whipped cream. This year with partnered with the Wedgefield Kitty Project who was on site for pet adoptions. Each of the cats and their future families received a special prayer of blessing too.

We could tell you how wonderful the day was, but we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves!

Rebecca Taylor